
Odds 'n Ends

And here we are...almost 8! (Eight!!!!!) months after our darling Molly was born.

I am 1,000% in love with being a mommy to this little girl.  There truly is nothing more glorious than the love of your child.  We are BFFs and it's the best thing in the world.

Currently, girlfriend is crawling like a mo fo, clapping ("yay"), waving 'Hi' (not 'bye'), and pulling herself up! (not ready for that).

She's been so much fun, it's hard to remember life without her. 

Here are a few photos to chronicle her growing up!

I hope to start posting again soon...for the none of you who read the blog but that's OK!  

:: four months::

:: five months ::

:: six months ::

:: seven months ::


She's here and she's GLORIOUS

Meet Molly!

Our darling girl arrived on August 16th at 10:09pm :)

Girlfriend came in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces (thank GOD she took after me in the baby weight category...Kev was over 9 pounds!) and she was a little shy of 20 inches long!

Fast forwarded 7 weeks (!!!!) and she's over 10 pounds and 23 inches!  She eats like a champ (takes after both Kev and I on that front).  Has started to smile (best ever? yes.) and has us and everyone around us completely and totally in love with her.

Her birth announcements are going out this week and they make me so happy.  Its crazy to think that Kevin and I created this little person.  It's not crazy to me though that she's this cute...I mean we are her parents after all...I don't think cuteness was ever going to be in question :)

I feel like we look so tired (but happy) here!

This was one of my favorites!


Pregger Thoughts

As I sit here and watch Pitch Perfect on HBO for the 300th time, I have some thoughts...

  • Our baby girl is due in a MONTH.  ONE F'n MONTH.  Where did the time go?  Back in December/January when I was pregnant but only Kevin knew and all I did was throw up I felt like time was dragging...now?  I feel like time is flying and there is still so much to do!
  • God forbid the furniture gets here soon.  I know it takes awhile and the baby won't be sleeping in her crib in the beginning but I still want the nursery settled before she enters the world.
  • Baby G's going home outfit is the best.  Can't wait to post photos of her rockin' it.
  • My pelvis feels like it's trying to jump out of my body.  Doc suggested a chiropractor, I go on Monday.  Has anyone out there been to a chiropractor before?  While they were pregnant?  How did it go?  Any feedback is appreciated!
  • Raspberry Leaf Tea is yummy and I'm excited to drink it and 'tone up' internally to help push this baby out!
  • Baby girl is head down!  Woohoo.  I had an unspoken fear that she would be breech or something and add to my anxiety of this whole birthing thing!
  • I love my puppy.  She's currently curled up and looking all snuggly.  However, if I were to go try and snuggle her, she'd go curl up somewhere else.  Snuggling is on Rudy's terms 100%.  Can't force that girl to do anything.  
  • I'm 29 and that seems old to me.  It's not though.  I'm going to be a mom and 29.  Now that's old ;)
Hope everyone out there (the few and far between that stumble upon my blog) have a wonderful weekend!  I'll be getting to the shore for the first time this summer!  Quite excited!


Bump Pics

Since we found out we were pregnant I knew I wanted to take photos of the growing "bump" I was going to be showing off.

Pintrest is a great website for ideas (duh, me) so I started there.  I don't know if Jessica over at Little Baby Garvin was the first one to combine chalkboard awesomness with bumpin' greatness...but I totally copied her idea when I stumbled upon someone's 'pin' of it on the almighty Pintrest.  So if you could, please head over to her blog (link above) to check out how a truly talented/creative person does the chalkboard thing!  I happened to have already had chalkboard paint up on our kitchen wall so I just bought some chalk and went to town.

I have an app on my phone that lets me know each Monday how big (either length, size, or weight) our little girl is on any given week of my pregnancy. (The app is called 'My Pregnancy') I started posting to Facebook the 'Bumpin It' photos on Week 14.  Whats funny is I always wait until Sunday night to post the photos but the next day I'm given the newest week's update..so the photos are somewhat a week behind from the week I'm actually on. (if that makes any bit of sense...).

So without further ado...here are some bump photos!

So there are some photos!  I always try and take one by myself and then get Rudy in on the action.  She's fully cooperated 10% of the time?  The other time it's a battle to get her to stay somewhat still for the 2.2 seconds it takes for Kevin to take the photo!

I'm heading into Week 34 tomorrow and feeling pretty great!  Sleeping is a bitch and I'm assuming it'll be pretty bad for awhile due to discomfort but HOPEFULLY I'll be able to turn over without my everything hurting.  Thank goodness for body pillows!


The "Big" Reveal!

Around 22 weeks into your pregnancy (for those that are unfamiliar) you are sent to get what's called an 'anatomy scan/ultrasound'.  It's the ultrasound where (if you so choose) you can find out the gender of the baby :)

Everyone always asks: "Do you want a boy or a girl?!" and to be completely, 100% honest both Kevin and I had absolutely no preference what so ever.  For whatever reason, we both thought the baby was a boy but it was purely a hunch.  I didn't care if we found out during the ultrasound the sex of the baby or if we were surprised during the birth.  Kevin was adamant about finding out.  Kev is a very relaxed, go-with-the-flow person so to see him so sure of wanting to find out, I had no problem with it.

So we went to the ultrasound and got to see our baby.  It's always mesmerizing to me when you get to see this little baby up on the screen who IS INSIDE OF YOU!?  It's a surreal experience, truly.  Watching Kev's face during it was also a highlight for me.  He was completely captivated watching every movement of our baby.  Nothing sexier than a man and his baby, fo sho.  We found out the sex of the baby and planned on how to tell our families later that night after having them over for dinner.  I know people have done the food coloring in the cake/cupcake thing but honestly, I'm not a baker & that seemed like way too much effort!  So we (I) decided to get a bunch of balloons (helium filled) and put a black trashbag over top of them.  Then everyone got to pull a balloon out and see the color (pink for a girl, blue for a boy) as the reveal!

After a yummy dinner of grilled pork tenderloin (so good) and delicious side dishes, we moved everyone into the living room for the reason we were all getting together :)

Getting Ready to pull the balloons out!

It's a GIRL!!!!!!

Rudy always enthusiastic!

A girl! A baby girl that I get to put in cute outfits and she can be my best friend and I'm so excited!  Our little girl.  It truly doesn't get better than that!  Our families were all thrilled and loved that they got to keep their balloons as their 'parting gift' :)

I'm sure there was a more crafty way to do the balloon reveal but I thought this way suited us perfectly. Something special but not too much over-thinking that it becomes more about the reveal than anything else.

I can't wait to meet our baby girl!

Next post I'll share my blog inspired photo project.  I'm having so much fun doing it.

Happy Friday & Happy Weekend!


Lotta Changes...Lotta Changes!

Wow, so much time has passed since I last posted!  We had a very busy late fall/early winter and it hasn't seemed to stop in craziness as we've gotten into the full swing of Spring!

In November we went to Disney World for 4 days during the NJ Teacher's Convention.  Kev's family and extended family all went and we had a blast!  We even wore shirts to the Magic Kingdom that said "The Griswolds" (Chevy Chase would have loved them) with our Seinfeld nicknames on the back (a mix of two pop culture references but it worked!) the shirts were all powder blue.  I was so against wearing them but we ended up being the 'hit of Disney' (I'm quoting myself).

Some of our group showing off their Seinfeld nick names.

My Prince and I at Magic Kingdom

In early December, I hosted my (2nd) Annual Crafting Day!  I invite my girlfriends over to craft something holiday themed.  We drink wine, we eat snacks and I serve lunch.  This year we made wine cork Christmas orna (this is the time in our program where I think my necklace is tickling me and when I look down to adjust the necklace a spider is crawling towards me OUT OF MY BRA)  My goodness did I scream, freak Ms. Rudy out. Ugh.  OK.)  Back to Craft Day...so everything was all set! Except one thing was nagging me.  A little thought that I couldn't quiet down no matter how hard I focused on party planning...my period was about 10 days late! Yup.  Me, Ms. Regular-To-The-Hour-On-The-Day was late.  And by more than a week.  So in my last minute shopping for the Crafting Day, I grabbed a pregnancy test.

I should mention I grabbed a pregnancy test from the supermarket that was going out of business in our town and therefore (aside from having cheap bread for paninis) had reduced priced, generic brand pregnancy tests.  So I bought a pack (2 were inside) and got my sourdough bread and headed home.  Now, to be clear, Kevin and I had decided to 'start trying' when we got back from Disney.  (We both were ready to start our family but as my last selfish act as a non-mommy I made my last request to not be pregnant when we went to Disney and thus squashing my chance to ride (basically) any rides.  I'm a ride goer and I would be super upset if I didn't get to go on Space Mountain/Splash Mountain/RockNRoller Coaster/Etc.  So once we were home and it was time (per the app I had on my phone) for me to begin ovulation, Kevin and I decided we wanted to 'officially' begin trying.) I should mention, I had been off of birth control pills since June 2012.  I knew we were starting to think about having a family and I wanted my body to be drug/hormone free for when we did decide it was time to try.  So we did that first cycle after Disney and for whatever reason fate thought "First Times a Charm" and I was pregnant.  

So when I got home from the store, I told Kevin I was going to wait until after Craft Day to take the test.  I'm an awful secret keeper and I didn't think I would be able to keep anything to myself especially with my closest friends around me!  Yeah, I think that idea last 2.2 seconds before I chugged a glass of water and headed for the bathroom.  So when the agonizing time (3 minutes?) elapsed I walked back into the bathroom to read the verdict...it was POSITIVE! POSITIVELY PREGNANT!  I ran over to hug Kevin and although he hugged me back, he goes "I don't trust that test, you got a cheap-o brand".   So although one test (generic/reduced priced) said I was pregnant my science-brained husband decided a few tests should be run before we proclaimed me "knocked up".  So off to the drug store Kevin went and bought TWO more different brands of pregnancy tests.  My friends came over and I sipped a glass of wine casually throughout the day though the level of liquid in my glass never really changed...wonder if anyone noticed? :)

Once the girls left, I headed upstairs to take the 2nd and 3rd tests.  What do you know?  POSITIVE...ALL OF THEM!  Kevin and I hugged again, Rudy came upstairs to investigate all the excitement and we hugged her.  Now to survive the holiday get togethers without anyone noticing me not drinking (this was going to be hard).

Suffice it to say, we survived the holiday party season with minimal notice (though some close friends did question my choice of clear liquid instead of beer/wine).  And once a HORRIBLE first trimester was over (goodbye morning sickness) we announce our upcoming pregnancy.  I decided to announce it to our friends in person, when I saw each friend by showing them our sonogram photos.  To 'announce' it on Facebook/Instagram I posted this photo with the caption "8/12/13":

The 'big sister' got to be part of the announcement <3

By far, the best announcement I got to make was to my Grandparents.  My parents hosted my mom's family for my Grandmom's 86th birthday.  After my Grandmom opened her gift from Kevin and me, I told her I had another present for her and that she was going to be a Great Grandmom.  My Grandmom suffers from dementia and has trouble with comprehension sometimes and finding the words to express herself.  She didn't have trouble understanding or communicating her excitement when I told her the news.  It was by far one of my favorite moments in life (thus far).  She's so excited to meet her Great Grandchild (as is my Grandpop) and it truly is a beacon of light for her in a sometimes shadowy world where things don't seem quite what they used to be for her.

I've written so long about this and I'm only to February 2013 when we announced the big news!  Well I'll be posting next about my blogger inspired pregnancy photo project and the way we revealed the gender of our baby to our family.  So stay tuned!  



Since Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year, this weekend is the unofficial party weekend for those throwing/going to Halloween parties.

Luckily, I married a man who LOVES to dress-up and think of funny/creative costumes.  Since we've been together (6 years, going on 7!) we've only been a couples costume once! (and it was a bit controversial!)

So here's a look at our costumes from some of years together.  

Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction (complete with needle in chest) & Jesus

Michael Vick & his injured dog.  (Hindsight, a little controversial)

So this year I insisted on a couples costume since Kevin actually won't be working at the bar (yay!) and we have not done a couples costume since we've been married...

We had originally decided to be Happy Gilmore (me) and Mr. Larsen (Kevin), he's the tall deep-voiced one time boss of Happy Gilmore whom Happy shoots in the head with a nail gun & Shooter McGavin's golfball lands on... but Kev didn't think that costume would be appropriate for school on Wednesday (Halloween) since the shirt he would be wearing said "Guns don't kill people, I kill people".  Smart move, husband.

Kevin emailed me a photo at work..."What do you think?"  It was the Swedish Chef from the Muppets.  I thought that would be great!  But what would I be?  I know! A Chicken!

Yeah, So I am currently constructing a chicken costume from a 5XL mens white T-Shirt, yellow leggings, and red pumps (Thanks, Mom!).  We will see how well this comes out but honestly, it's all about having fun getting dressed up and enjoying your time with friends!

I'll post photos once the costumes are on and looking good :)

Oh! and Rudy is going to be a chicken too!  The costume lasts about 5.2 seconds on before she starts flipping out! Hah.  

My Halloweenie :)  She LOVES it.